Tuesday 24 August 2010

Sunny days are here again!

What we didn't realise about Bangkok was just how overcast it was, even after the daily hour of rain. When we parted the curtains on our overnight sleeper train carriage, it was a different story and we've actually seen the sun! Lots and lots.

The train journey itself was quite amusing as we met a couple sat opposite us, Andy and Mel. He was a Brighton boy and she was from the Philippines. They met on the internet. He was fifty and she was twenty three. Jo believes him to be a sex pest but I thought they were a lovely couple just looking for love where ever it may be, whatever the cost. And by cost I mean air fares, courtship and things, not necessarily a transaction that may or may not have taken place to seal the deal. If there was a deal.

Chiang Mai is a breath of fresh air compared to Bangkok. We've got a jungle trek lined up and toying with some cookery courses as we've seen more temples than we care to and probably could mention.

Doi Suthep stands out though as it is set upon the mountain to the west and affords a stunning panorama of Chaing Mai and is breath taking. Parts of the temple itself were under renovation but I finally met a monk and had a piece of white string tied to my wrist symbolising keeping the spirits close to a special guest. Me. Jo got one too. In fact, anyone with a few baht in their hand got one. I'm guessing there's a lot of spirits to go round.

Right, must dash. Got a trek to look forward to which will be a challenge of stamina and sweat glands. TTFN folks, will try and add pics next time.

D & J x

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